Things to Do on Black Friday that Don't Involve Shopping
Photo Credit: Bobbie Harte Photography
Black Friday. Arguably, one of the most terrifying days of the year.
Looking for an alternative to shopping, or a way to hide out from the chaos in a constructive way?
Below, a few ideas.
Since 2015, REI has been closed on Black Friday, encouraging us instead to get outside and spend time in nature. This year, they’re taking it a step further by encouraging clean-up events around the country and ways to get informed and involved.
Plan a Visioning + Strategy Day.
The quiet days around the holidays can be the perfect time to get quiet, pour a cup of tea, and do some reflection on the year that’s coming to a close, as well as the year ahead. Questions you might consider for your reflection include:
What have been the highlights of the past year?
What do I want to celebrate?
What are my top 3 intentions for the year ahead?
What’s my ‘one thing’ (word, focus area, goal) for 2020?
In the literal sense. Unless we work in an industry like healthcare, there are very few true emergencies over Thanksgiving or Black Friday. Consider unplugging, putting your phone in a drawer, or perhaps turning it off for the day. Feel like you might be addicted to yours? This article has some questions to consider.
Go Analog.
Plan a craft day, a baking day, or an arts day. A few places to seek inspiration: Simple Cakes for baking meets minimalism; A Beautiful Mess for an abundance of modern craft ideas; The Artist’s Way for tapping into our inner artist; and this cartoon for some realistic cool weather laughs.
What about you? Do you have any Black Friday traditions (or non-traditions) planned for today?