This Week in Moments
Despite the hopeful saying that April showers bring May flowers, we’ve had nearly a full week of rain here in the midwest to kick off the month of May.
I remain hopeful that the extra rain will bring extra May flowers once the sun re-appears!
Over here, despite the rain, it’s been a lovely week of moments with clients, and moments with the pup in between. Here is a little snapshot of the week.
Enjoying this delicious Black and Tan roast (thank you, Mara!) from this mug.
Experimenting with a little social media break in service of more white space. Using the extra moments to sneak outside with the pup between the ongoing rain showers (necessary, it seems, as he has a new favorite hobby that involves digging holes in the mud in the backyard…).
Enjoying this cover on repeat, shared during an impromptu jam session when this week’s evolving leaders participants took over my jambox, which I loved...mostly...until we got to this one (but our accounting leaders will love it!) and this one, which raised my blood pressure a few levels. Ha!
Donating to this organization, to help preserve my favorite lake in Madison; this organization, to support waterway cleanup when water recedes after some intense flooding in the backyard of clients; and this organization to help improve the health of all of our local lakes.
Reading this helpful overview of what each of us can do to protect and preserve our local watershed (and keep the awful algae blooms from taking over our lakes again this year), especially as we get into lawn mowing season.
Re-reading this great little book by Austin Kleon - and referencing throughout the week, for little boosts of inspiration.
Traveling to see clients with this peanut butter protein bar in my purse (a deviation from my typical on-the-go granola bars)....
Paging through this lovely cookbook, trying to decide which cake to make for this weekend’s Mother’s Day brunch.
Singing this song to myself while attempting to resolve a customer service issue with a not-to-be-named company that rhymes with horizon. Playing this song afterward, taking some deep breaths, and deeply pondering how some companies endure.
Deeply appreciating my clients, who are oh-so-thoughtful and intentional about the way that they approach their work and their lives, and who model what conscious business looks like in action.
I hope that you are staying dry and cozy this week if you, too, are experiencing what feels like endless rain. Here’s to those May flowers being extra bright this year.