Using the Good Towels
Using the Good Towels.
Do you refrain from using the ‘good stuff’ in everyday life?
Not using the ‘good towels’ unless guests are staying overnight; not using the ‘good cloth napkins’ for regular old weeknight dinners; not drinking the ‘good Italian wine’ unless it’s a dinner party?
There is one within me who has this tendency, which is rather absurd - particularly at a time when there are precisely zero humans visiting to enjoy fluffy towels, crisp napkins, or Italian wine.
We could likely extend this concept to many other areas of life - for example, the grace or compassion or spirit of goodwill that we readily extend to others, compared to what we are willing to extend to ourselves.
I’m curious — do you use the ‘good towels’ in everyday life?
To jump in on the conversation, feel free to head over to Instagram, where we’re unpacking this question and the various sides of this question that we fall on.