Snake Oil
Photo Credit: Eric MeLean
The phrase “selling snake oil” refers to the petroleum-based mineral oil or "snake oil" that used to be sold as a cure-all elixir for many kinds of physiological problems in the 18th and 19th century.
We have our own versions of snake oil today.
The life coach who quit her job yesterday and watched a 30 minute webinar called “what is coaching,” who is now going to help you fix your life.
The online business expert who is making $12,000 per year, while selling you a program that promises to help you reach 6 figures in 6 months.
The fitness expert who is selling you a diet and fitness plan for optimal wellbeing, while practicing highly disordered eating behind the scenes.
The spiritual seeker who quotes the Buddha on Instagram, while practicing verbally abusive behavior toward friends and family.
The political activist who rants all day on social media, who has never volunteered or donated.
The local leader who tells us to stay in our houses all day and not to gather with anyone, before dining with a group of 12 friends at French Laundry the following weekend.
The friend who passionately preaches precautions and staying at home, before hopping on a plane to do a 6-month trip around the world.
It is much easier to live by the phrase “do as I say, and not as I do.”
It allows us to present ourselves favorably to the world, while acting in our own self-interest behind the scenes.
While the technology of our time has created an incredible opportunity for thought leaders, creators, entrepreneurs, artists, musicians, and DJs to reach more people than ever before with their remarkable works, it has also created a platform ripe for selling snake oil.
As consumers, as friends, and as community members, our opportunity is to practice discernment.
Are we getting what we’re paying for? Is this person who they claim to be?
And as leaders, our opportunity is to walk our walk.
If we can’t, then let’s go inward for a bit, and practice.