Care and Compassion
Photo Credit: Marco Bianchetti
Last week, in Friday Favorites, I shared a moment of care and compassion from my week.
A loved one was at the hospital for some tests. One of my oldest friends (who I've known since I was four and who works in another area of the hospital) stopped by to talk with my loved one, show support, and share, “if there's anything you need, let me know” and “let's be sure to get you a good doctor.”
This small moment of care and compassion was such a gift. Here are some beautiful moments of care and compassion that members of the Zing Collaborative Community shared in return.
You Are Stronger than you Think, from Katie
One short moment of kindness came to me just this morning at CrossFit. We have a very tight-knit community of regulars at our 5:30am class, and we're always encouraging each other throughout the workout. But, there's one guy who's sort of known as the "hard core" guy - very talented, but very quiet and not super extroverted (which is fine, but makes him the outlier in class).
The workout listed was really tough, and I was originally planning to push myself and use a weight that would challenge me, but got scared at the last minute, doubting myself, and went to grab a lighter weight. I came back to my space, and that's when he spoke up and said: "Katie, you are strong enough. You don't need to go lighter, just pace yourself. You can do it."
It totally floored me - I think he's only said about 5 words to me over the course of the last six months. But, it was the confidence boost I needed to go after the more challenging weight.
And he was right! I could do it - and I felt so proud of myself for pushing through self-doubt and going for the bigger challenge.
I thanked him after the workout for pushing me and holding me accountable to the goal I was setting for myself.
Anyway, encouragement can come from the strangest places, and it totally made my day.
A Life Saver, from Ellen
A neighbor who already received the vaccine in trials texted me (unasked) the link she was given to sign up for a COVID vaccine in our County -- one I had been trying to find to no avail. She did that without asking or knowing that I was searching for how I was going to get a vaccine, so incredibly thoughtful and potentially life saving as I want to get vaccinated before I fly in March. I passed it on by notifying two other friends of the link for vaccine sign up.
I’m Proud of You, from Roger
While in the last month as being a 24/7 caregiver for a sick relative, I have again put myself last.
I began to question myself last week, I kept up with my caregiving responsibilities without a hitch but personally, I began to sink.
One internal question i struggled with was being apart from my children for the first time ever on Christmas while I was caregiving. And now, I may be apart from them for months to come.
During a rare break, running to town for groceries, I called my son last week. We only spoke for two minutes, as I was about to lose cell service within the mountains.
I would have been crying on the phone with him but I kept the conversation light so as to avoid the tears. I was about to hang up when...
My son, he said, “Wait a minute, I need to tell you how proud I am of you. You are doing a great thing there with Uncle Ralph and you inspire me to do life better and help others. I just wanted to make sure you know that and that I love you.”
NOW I was crying! Right then and there, for the first time in 20 years, I realized I must have done something right. Maybe I led by example, maybe he finally started listening. Regardless, my dream was complete, my son is a now a good man, and yes of course, I told him I love him too. And then I added my signature comment, “I love you more”, which is a longer story.
Imagining How we Want our Community to Look, from Paulette
There is a book - Almost Amish: One Woman's Quest for a Slower, Simpler, More Sustainable Life by Nancy Sleeth. She talks about some concepts of the Amish community that relate to a way we can live a slower life. One concept is about purchasing local. Amish do it in part due to their limited transportation and lack of electronics, but it brings up an interesting challenge. Think about what your community looks like in an ideal world. Do you love the little coffee shop downtown? Do you like the local bookstore? If you value these things in your community, you have to shop there. If you want a community that is free from litter? You have to pick up trash as you walk through the area.
During COVID it has been the way we have decide where to do restaurant carryout. Which of these restaurants do we want to see downtown next year? Do we care if there is a fast-food chain restaurant or do we value the local pizzeria more?
It Is Coming, from Amanda
Big bright spot for the week/six-word memoir for the books: I got my first shot today.
(I’m utterly grateful, with some guilt…the university is distributing to faculty/staff and I took the opportunity. And it is not lost on me that there are many others in the world who should have received it before me. So many emotions, I was misty-eyed when I pulled up my shirt sleeve and readied my arm. The good news…IT. IS. COMING.)
Hugging My Sister on her 40th Birthday, from Amanda B
I took all the precautions I could to reunite with my sister for her 40th Birthday. It had been a year since I’d seen her. (this moment was sent alongside the most incredible video of the surprise hug - all the tears….)
Virtual Shiva, from Scott
One area of compassion (and a positive from the pandemic) was following the death of my closest friends father (age 94) of Covid. My friend is in Chicago and the funeral was in Baltimore. Zoom allowed me to be part of the funeral with about 160 family and friends from around the world. I was able to join in virtual "shiva" every day this week. I know my friend loved seeing and speaking with all of us. It felt great to be there for him.
Thank you to everyone who shared a beautiful moment of care and compassion from your week. May we all go forth with a spirit of care and compassion in our own lives.