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Coaching-Based Skills for Leadership and Performance Management: Virtual Course

What would it be like to….

Say less, but have greater positive impact.   Navigate challenging situations and conversations with confidence.  Know what to say even at those awkward networking events when you don’t know anyone.

These types of open and honest conversations require tools to listen effectively, to ask genuine questions, and to build trust with the people you interact with.

Build your tool kit as we explore practical and actionable ways to use coaching-based skills in both life and work.

This virtual course is brought to you in partnership with the UW Leadership Development program. Course objectives include:

• Leading and managing with less effort but more impact
• Giving and receiving feedback in a way that is both effective and compassionate
• Delivering difficult news and having challenging conversations in the workplace
• Ways to incorporate a coach approach to management
• Coaching-based structures for team member 1:1 meetings

Registration for the second course of the min-series, on November 28th at 9:30 am, is still open. Learn more and register on UW's site here.