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Our Authentic Impact: Tuesdays Together April Meet-Up

As entrepreneurs and creatives, it can be easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of 'doing' - creating content, taking photos, posting on social media, working hard. 

While these are all great things that contribute to the success of our business, we often find that we create even more success and greater impact when we slow down and step back regularly, to reflect on who we are, what matters most, and how we can work in the most efficient and effective way. 

I'm exciting to be joining Rising Tide Society's Tuesdays Together Madison meet-up on April 11th to explore what it looks like to create the type of impact we want to create by tuning into who we are, what we value, and our unique zone of genius.

We'll explore small but impactful things we can do each day and each week to boost both our happiness, and our results. 

This event is free; RSVP via Facebook.