The Accommodation Equation: An Alternative Framework to Setting Boundaries
Staying Awake While Remaining Hopeful
A Balm for this Time
Favorite Books of 2020
Sarah bookshelf, books; reading; reading list; zing collaborative reading list; recommended reading; resources; reading, books, zing collaborative reads, reading, winter, favorite books, learn, grow, pause, self-coaching, coaching, leadership coach, leadership coaching, life coach, life coachin, life coaching, leadership development, leading, lead, learning
Balancing External Feedback with Inner Truth (aka: how to rely less on other people's opinions of us)
Sarah feedback, culture, conscious leadership, conscious action, conscious business, management, leadership, inner knowing, alignment, mindfulness, pause, staying grounded, grounding
Digital Minimalism: Month 1.5
Sarah digital minimalism, pause, presence, mindfulness, leadership, impact, aliveness, coaching, self-coaching, digital detox, leadership coaching
Digital Minimalism: Week Two
Digital Minimalism: Week One