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Tools for Living with Roger Bird (Free, Virtual Event)

During this session, I’m thrilled to talk with my friend Roger Bird.

Zing Collaborative, Events, Tools for Living, Leadership, Staying Grounded, COVID-19 Support, Free Event

Roger has an incredible story, which involves chapters as a professional cyclist, an executive, the founder of multiple non-profits, businesses, and side hustles,  and - a chapter that he continues to create each day as he lives his recovery through his words and his actions. 

Over the years, Roger has created a set of tools for living in integrity each day - named affectionately by the two of us his “CoolShit Toolkit.” Roger has used these tools as pillars during times of darkness and continues to use them daily as a way to live true to his values.

During this session, we’ll talk about Roger’s journey and we’ll give you a glimpse into the CoolShit Toolkit in case you, too, would like to implement some of these tools in your own life.

Zing Collaborative, Events, Tools for Living, Roger Bird, Sarah Young, COVID19 Conversation, Productivity

This session may be helpful for you if you relate to any of the following:

  • You’re currently navigating a period of hardship, uncertainty, ambiguity, and/or decreased motivation during the time that we’re in. 

  • You’re looking for concrete tools that will help you feel happier, and more productive, each day.

  • You’re looking for tactical ways to continue to prioritize the things that really matter and let go of the rest. 

  • You could use a new perspective for sifting through the noise and getting clear on the stuff that matters most. 

  • You mentor or lead others who might benefit from these tools. 

We are delighted to offer this session for free. Please sign up with your email via this link to receive a link to join via Zoom.

Looking forward to seeing you then!

Sarah and Roger