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Who are We Becoming? Honoring the Journey and Creating From What's Happening (even when we don't know what's happening)

Zing Collaborative, Virtual Events, Who are we Becoming, Honoring the Journey and Creating From What's Happening (even when we don't know what's happening)

During this free community session, we will reflect on the journey we’ve been on over these last several months, and tune into what we’ve been learning about ourselves along the way.

We will tune into the grappling within us…the things that are emerging and arising, and the new version of ourselves we are becoming.

Together, we will -

  • Look back at where we’ve been

  • Explore what we’ve learned so far

  • Sit with what’s been emerging along the way

  • Take time to honor and acknowledge the new version of ourselves that is emerging (or perhaps that is longing to emerge, but hasn’t yet)

  • Explore ways to create from the reality in front of us, especially when the reality is wildly uncertain and ever-changing

  • Examine how we can balance making plans + actions, alongside the uncertainty of what lies ahead

  • Tune into the (sometimes conflicting and often confusing) conflict between ‘giving ourselves space to be and feel and step back’ and ‘taking action and moving forward even when we don’t feel like it.’

I’ll also take a few minutes at the end to answer any questions that you have about The Garden.

Please bring a journal and pen.

If you’d like to join us, you may register here. After doing so, you’ll receive an email from me which will include the Zoom link.

Can’t wait to see you on Friday August 21st if this speaks to you.

With much love,
